Friday, August 22, 2008

Anthony Patrick Donoughe (1943)

This is my grandfather, Anthony Patrick Donoughe. He was born on June 21, 1908 and died a week before his 85th birthday, on June 14, 1993. This picture was taken in a carnival photo booth in Cresson, PA, when he was 35 years old. The year was 1943. Earlier that year, on January 27, his wife, Christina Mildred (McMahon) Donoughe, had died. She left him with seven young children, the oldest one being my mother Rose, who turned 13 the day her mother was buried.


Ron Donoughe said...

We must be related?

Ron Donoughe

Tina said...

I'm having a hard time with my family tree research when it comes to Anthony Patrick Donoughe. I can't find him. Would you happen to know his parents names or if he had any siblings?