Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Reece Kids (1936)

Reece kids, left to right: Lloyd J., Norman D., George J., Geraldine J., Wallace R.

This was taken in the backyard of the Reece family home on North Avenue in Niagara Falls, NY. The houses in the background are on 24th Street. The year was 1936, the middle of the Depression, and the clothes, especially the shoes and socks, are classic. Many thanks to my Aunt Madeline for providing this image.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Gerry Reece with her Uncle Tommy (1946)

Oral R. Reece (Tommy); Geraldine J. Reece

Born in 1889, Oral Raymond Reece was the oldest brother of my grandfather, George Melvin Reece. Nicknames seemed to be popular in the family - Oral was known to everyone as Tommy. He was born in New York, possibly in the Niagara Falls or Buffalo area. He married Della McGahey and had six children. At some point he moved to California and he died in Los Angeles on August 28, 1959.

My Aunt Gerry was 16 when this picture was taken in the back yard of her home on North Avenue in Niagara Falls, NY.